Company Strategy


After a lengthy business realignment, the company intended to implement a new four-strand strategy. One of these strands was to maximise market share in each of the territories in which they operate - a metric that had never been a focus or priority for their General Managers before.

General Managers need to be upskilled so that they understand what influences their market share, including factors they can control, influence, or need to be concerned about.

This was the first time that content was being created with a company-wide global approach rather than their usual localised approach.

This meant that this particular project had to take into account a larger group of stakeholders, a way of including or standardising a variety of different procedures in each territory, and differences in internal terminology and language in each territory.


Initially, the audience for this Maximising Market Share course comprised the 600+ General Managers responsible for running each location.

These leaders were tasked with implementing the new company strategy, including driving and maximising their location’s market share against competitors.

At the initial planning stage, discussions were already held suggesting a later phase will include rolling out this training or similar training to lower levels of management to increase the knowledge pool among each leadership team.




This course was launched in March 2025, so evaluation of the learning outcomes is ongoing. Initial learner feedback has been overwhelming, with the only negative being the length of the course. This is partly due to the content dictating the length and learners not being used to this size of course.

However, I have self-evaluated and really challenged myself with this course. It was the first time I used JavaScript to extract learners’ comments from a course variable and course feedback to populate a Google Sheet. It was also the first time I had to translate into multiple languages and the first time closed captions were an essential requirement.
